Someone I miss, something I miss

2011-08-31 @ 19:00:35
I miss u all the time, I think about u all the time...
I really hope to see u soon, I dont care for how loong, just see u again, hug u.. feel u close to me.


2011-08-31 @ 18:46:35
Today I was with Evve after school. We were looking on a movie. It was  nice, chilling. And now I'm sittting here with my homewoork, I need to learn some songs, and notes... It's HARRRRD!

Well yeah... what should I say?

2011-08-29 @ 22:40:32
Here we got 2 cute boys, The one in red is Daniel he is my crazy friend but funny, and the other one in black is haha Dacke, a funny little boy too! WOOOOOPWOOOP GUYS!

Well yeah true shit, Music people are funny!

A normal school day

2011-08-29 @ 18:07:14
Today we had are first real school day, It was nice. Got some new friends one of them is Daniel, I was with him today. And he play drums, We are in the same music group so thats NIICE. I got music home wooork today for the first time.. I need to learn the song, Fire with The Sounds. So thats what I'm doing right now. I also need to buy a mike soon, cuse the ones in school are not that nice, so many people use them... Anyway I'm waiting for Carro, she's coming over to chill out with me. SWEEEEET.

Sailing out to lacka, and I took evve with me!

2011-08-28 @ 23:08:26
We went out to Lacka, A island not far away from home, I think 8distans. We were just chilling, walking around, and later at the night, we took a sauna and then jumped into the water. It was very nice, and a bit cold, But I'm sick to, so that not so good.. I guess. Mum also made a cake to evve and me, cuse evves birthday was for a week ago, and then I gave her a present. So that was sweet. Love u babe, and happy birthday <3

Over and out, goodnight.

girls night out

2011-08-26 @ 18:31:55

I'm going out with this girl tonight!


2011-08-25 @ 21:10:49
Long time ago, a time that I never forget... a hard time in my life, but after all, I'm glad how it is today.


2011-08-25 @ 08:21:08
Time for school again, and I'm still sick... It suck as. Hope I will be better son.
Anyway I need to buy a mike for my singing in school. So I think thats what I'm going to do today. If im strooong enough for it, cuse i GET SO TIRED when I'm sick.

The best year in my life

2011-08-22 @ 16:41:33

Fresh tunafish

sunsets in the sea


new friends for life


The sailing trip was the best thing I every done in my life!

Länge sen (undantag ifrån eng)

2011-08-22 @ 15:25:12
I helgen har jag varit med Nattis, min barndomsvän som jag träffade senast i vintras, allt för länge sen.
Vi var i hennes båt och åt kräfftor, mummmms. Sen var vi hemma hos mig nästa dag, pratade och delade livet. När jag träffade henne nu igen kunde jag verkligen känna att jag saknat den personen. ses mer!

The beauty in my life

2011-08-19 @ 13:08:36
My love for you is endless, You have my heart in your hands <3

Ps: I love u more then anything

The freedom with you is unbeatable

The happiness you give me are my averything, my other half, my sister

Your pleasure gives me hope in life, thank u baby

The cutest girl in my life that gives me confidence and makes me fight for life

Someone I miss very much


I miss u sweetie

2011-08-16 @ 13:12:26
Holland is so cute, I'm really going to miss it here. I have Ben there in 3 weeks now. My boyfriends family, house.. Everything is so nice and chilling. But something I'm not use to yet, is that they eat bread to lunch? Haha that's crazy, so yeah I'm eating breakfast 2 times everyday. But they got som really god food here, like pancake pizza... Or sate... It's like chicken in peanut butter.. Hahah funny. And on party's people don't dance like we do, they don't move at all here just standing still to chilling music. So yeah everything is different here. And I need to talk English all the time because my boyfriend live here, and he can just speak Dutch and English. So this is hard, I can't se him so much. Distans distans that's my life, and it have Ben my hole life, that suck ass....  I came home this night, to sweden again. I really miss him. It was so hard to say byeee, hate it. And my bag is gone. fuck ryanair. Hope i will get it back ! I'm going to see my other baby now, Evelina. Miss her. So KISS!

I do not think there is a kinder, more fun, or good guy in this world than you


A nice day with sun


hungry guys


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